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Lorraine (not verified)

1 year ago

I get very upset at the idea of being forced to go against nature's internal clock by a vote to stay on DST just for an hour of daylight. This is a HEALTH ISSUE and should never be voted on or ordered by government. People should read an in-depth article about the circadian rhythm; standard time is in line with our body's natural clock with the universe, and DST is just ignorant, especially if it is permanent. It may have served its purpose in wartime, but we need to go back to nature no matter what may be uncomfortable for some. People need to get informed about our body's circadian rhythm and stop babbling about something they apparently know little about. Everyone's schedule and needs are different so either way some people will be inconvenienced so we may as well keep the natural state. This is not a voting or preference issue. WE NEED TO STAY ON STANDARD TIME PERMANENTLY, AS NATURE INTENDED.

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