What is wrong with our elected officials! After more than 100 years those ignoramouses can't even pass an end to the horribly rediculous act of changing the clocks dispite overwealming support to do so! And what kind of drugs are the people on that want to keep changing the clocks! Those very few idiots that want sunlight at five in the morning need to get a life! Just the agrivation of having to change every clock in the house is enough to put an end to this madness nevermind everything the fact theat every single thing else has to change habits by an hour throughout the entire country! Absolute insanity brought to us twice a year by the morons in our worthless government!
What is wrong with our elected officials! After more than 100 years those ignoramouses can't even pass an end to the horribly rediculous act of changing the clocks dispite overwealming support to do so! And what kind of drugs are the people on that want to keep changing the clocks! Those very few idiots that want sunlight at five in the morning need to get a life! Just the agrivation of having to change every clock in the house is enough to put an end to this madness nevermind everything the fact theat every single thing else has to change habits by an hour throughout the entire country! Absolute insanity brought to us twice a year by the morons in our worthless government!