I sleep this way too, on my left side, legs bent, with a small pillow or padding between my knobby knees. Apparently I don't move much, because I often wake up in the same position, well rested, six hours later. When the weather is warm, I will sprawl out more toward a face-down position. This pattern was altered for 2-3 years when I successively tore the rotator cuffs in both shoulders, forcing me to sleep on my back. I never slept well on my back when I was young because my bedroom ceiling had a patch of loose plaster directly above my head, and I was afraid it would fall in my face.
I sleep this way too, on my left side, legs bent, with a small pillow or padding between my knobby knees. Apparently I don't move much, because I often wake up in the same position, well rested, six hours later. When the weather is warm, I will sprawl out more toward a face-down position. This pattern was altered for 2-3 years when I successively tore the rotator cuffs in both shoulders, forcing me to sleep on my back. I never slept well on my back when I was young because my bedroom ceiling had a patch of loose plaster directly above my head, and I was afraid it would fall in my face.