I have read "Cherry Pie Filling";(canned cherries);can be used; Prunes also contain "Melatonin"; many dark fruits or veggies contain Melatonin; for "sleep"(Eggplant; figs etc.); the worst action for insomnia is to "turn on bright kitchen lights and or TV"; I put nightlights around my place; In the "old days"; Eggplant was called "The Poor Man's Protein"; Potatoes are Poor Man's Vit. C.
I have read "Cherry Pie Filling";(canned cherries);can be used; Prunes also contain "Melatonin"; many dark fruits or veggies contain Melatonin; for "sleep"(Eggplant; figs etc.); the worst action for insomnia is to "turn on bright kitchen lights and or TV"; I put nightlights around my place; In the "old days"; Eggplant was called "The Poor Man's Protein"; Potatoes are Poor Man's Vit. C.