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helen rose R evans (not verified)

3 years 2 months ago

I LOVE YOUR RECEIPTIES, FOR I HAD PARENTS FROM CZECHOSLOVAKIA , AN LEARNT HOW TO MAKE ALL THE EUROPEON, AT LEAST SOME OF IT FROM MY MOTHER, Therefore, enjoy yours that you have put out. to the public, Just learnt from one of your receipties that you put out, For have a friend from THAI.an once in awhile she will cook you way, she learnt an gives me some stuff, This last time she brought to me look like peroiges, but found out through you that it was chinese dumplings. an what was in it etc.
Thank you for that. I lived on a 100 acer farm with my parents an we had our own food that we raised, or grew, had chickents an eggs for the market so we ate alot of chickens an eggs, You mentioned chickens with dumplings. well, mom made that with whipping cream that was really good n filling but very rich, ate alot of vegables for had our own garden, We had cattle, pigs, an father an others would
kill a pig in the fall, an then we had pork all winter, an then they would make rice sauages, that to was good, but full of cholastor,
Learnt how to make this as well, but it takes two people to make it, Any way, we didn't bake much, weren't for sweets, once in awhile, like for christmas mom made puff pastry, like apple strudels, etc. That what is like w ith me don't make the apple studle, too much work as well, use to make cabbage rows not casarol like the most canadians do. But, one in awhile, make it but, found that the M&M they sell them like mom an i plus, my aunts make so it is now more easier then try to make them to buy them if you have the money,

now, you know of my history, ha ha. that is o.k. But, still, like to see ours receipties. Merry Christmas & Healthy New year God Bless.

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