Cold Sore Causes and Treatment
Years ago I used to get cold sores so bad they would cover my lower lip and chin. Then a dentist told me to try an ice pack the moment I felt the "tingle". I started doing that and 40 years later it still works. My husband also does it and he's amazed by how that reduces the outbreak; but you have to do it before the actual fever blister outbreak. Not sure of the science behind it - but I don't have to take pills or change my diet.
For me, one 1,000 mg supplement of L-lysine DAILY drastically reduced the frequency and severity. I now get a mild sore about once per year or less. (take twice a day on onset.)
Cold sores and herpes can be brought on due to eating too much of foods containing an imbalance of arganin and lysine. They are many 鈥瀗ormal鈥 foods like rice and corn, pineapple, gelatin and nuts and more. I now take a daily lycine supplement since 6 weeks and have not had an outbreak. It is the arganin which causes the cold sore/herpes outbreaks which needs to be balanced in the food by taking lysine...research 鈥 foods that cause coldsores and herpes鈥 on the net and you will find the list. i hope this helps, it is working for me.
I agree L-lysine is the best!! Taken just as you said,but as I have grown older I take 1000 mg in the Am and 1000mg in the PM. It also helps the pain with sore throats and is GREAT for colds as it is an anti-viral !!
My father used to get bad fever blisters quite often. Years ago an old doctor told him to put plain, white, table sugar on a cold sore site at the first sign of one coming on. The sugar stops any discomfort including tingling, itching and burning. Keeping the sugar on the site for a day or two will stop the cold sore from ever developing into a blister. When I feel one coming on, I just grab a packet of sugar, open it, wet my finger, pour a little bit of the sugar on my finger then dab it on my lip. I have been doing this for years. This method ALWAYS stops the cold sore from developing. Have shared it with many others that also have had the same positive results.
I use thieves oil on my cold sores, although since using it I rarely get them anymore. I apply as soon as I feel that familiar tingling on my lip. You can buy it or make your own. I make my own.
Ive tried everything out there to aleviate cold sore symptoms. Nothing helped. My cold sores were so bad they migrated up to the side of my nose. And they took for ever to heal. It was not uncommon to have a new outbreak occur before my mouth would heal resulting in scars I carry today. Finaly I found zovriax (the pill version) which I took as soon as I felt the tell tale symptoms. I take a higher dosage 1 time a day until the symptoms were gone . After 4-5 times the cold sores never came back. Well 20 years later Ive either been reinfected or the virus has just been dorment cause I just had another outbreak. As soon as I took the Zovriax they began to heal. I plan to folow the same procedure as last time and hope for similar results. Someone tols me once that it lives in the base of your spine in that fluid.
back 25 yrs. ago my dad passed on.. At this time I had 2 cs top and bottom lip ( my dad got them on occasion as well))
Like father like son! Anyhow someone at that time gave me zovriax and results within a couple of days.
And the sores were "blossomed" at the time.. I don't get them but 2 or 3 times a year minor and just dab
with blistik Just like Dad did!!
coat the lesion with Gentian Violet, available at the local drugstore for about $2, I do this when I get one, it is gone in a day and a half. You will have a purple spot on the lip for a short while.
I can't prove it with study results, but I believe this to be the cure, not just the temporary fix: Basic Organics L-Lysine Lip Ointment. It claims to have the highest amount of the active ingredient, if I'm remembering correctly.