Learn About the Various Types of Mosaic Viruses
You may have powdery mildew disease. Try using an horticultural oil spray or mix milk and water in a spray bottle and use it on your plants. Use 3 parts milk to 7 parts water. Milk has been proven effective against powdery mildew.
Hi, I think my cucumber plant may be infected, and it is close to my bean plant (climbing vine variety). Can my beans get this virus?
Unfortunately, the cucumber mosaic virus can be transmitted to your beans. It's carried by aphids. You will need to destroy any infected plants and avoid planting these crops in the same space next year.
i have the problem with my eggplant because of mosaic virus! the eggplants which is covered by plastic mulch and equipped with drum drip irrigation are infected by the Mosaic virus and Aphids. Is there any correlated between plastic mulch and Mosaic virus?
We do not know of a correlation. Eggplants respond favorably to being grown on plastic mulch with drip irrigation. According to our extension office, "Winged aphids are repelled by silver- or aluminum-colored mulches. If there is a probability of severe virus pressure, place reflective polyethylene mulches on planting beds before seeding or transplanting to significantly reduce rate of colonization by winged aphids and delay the buildup of damaging numbers of aphids by 4 to 6 weeks. While this approach is mainly effective in delaying or reducing the incidence of virus diseases transmitted by winged aphids and whiteflies, reflective mulches can also delay the buildup of wingless aphids that arise as a result of colonization by winged individuals. The mulches lose their effectiveness when more than 60% of the surface is covered by foliage or if the mulch becomes fouled with dust or soil. Therefore, they are effective only for the first few weeks after transplanting."
Groundnut oil 10ml/litre of water plus emulsifier for oil and water mix and any micronutrients plus boron you will get 100,%
Control in 2sprays