What to Keep in Your Car or Truck in Case of an Emergency
I can't believe nobody suggested toilet paper? We keep roll in an old coffee can along with a candle. Plastic lid on the can keeps the tp dry and if needed the candle in the can works as a heater.
Can and candle? How can I make that a stove? Is there an illustration somewhere? Perhaps a hobo stove?
Water bottles. Now, I keep my water bottles in thick coolers with well sealed lids. I've had them freeze inside my thinner coolers.
Just recently my windshield ice over so I used a spray bottle with isopropyl alcohol and de-iced my windshield with the wipers running. The isopropyl alcohol is now part of our winter auto kits.
put some oil in a mug or something fireproof and light it. The smoke can be seen from a long distance away. I learned this 35 yrs ago from a colleague who had lived in Canada where there are big spaces that are fairly empty of traffic.
Several days worth of food and more water/juice than you think.
I have several Mylar thermal protective blankets and several plastic grocery bags. If you have to walk put them over your socks and then put your shoes on, if your shoes get wet your feet stay dry, a few cans of Sterno.
Carry on your person, a small container of Door Lock Deicer. Do not put in you glove box.
I highly recommend that drivers keep their survival kits inside the cab of the vehicle instead of the trunk. If your car gets damaged in the rear you can still access your gear if it's stored in the back seat or other interior location.
Be sure to clean snow and ice off your headlights and tail-lights, so you are more visible to other drivers.
One essential item was omitted: KITTY LITTER - works great to provide traction when you're stuck on ice.
Always carry a reflective vest ! It will aid you in being seen while changing a tire or performing other roadside work. on top of that carry a piece of plywood to place under the base of your jack, Plywood will flex and not break like solid wood . And it can aid in keeping your jack stable on wet or soft ground . Remember, you're not necessarily going to have a flat tire on nice smooth concrete . This plywood will also come in handy if you need to jack your car on hot asphalt ! It will provide a wider foot for your jack, distributing the weight better. The plywood piece need only be about 18" square .... and 1/2" thick. You'll be glad you have it with you and it doesn't take up too much space .