Learn How to Prevent These Garden Pests!
I’m not sure if a study has been done as to the minimum ratio of alcohol/water plus soap for effectiveness. However, you are right to be concerned about burning plants. With alcohol sprays, always test a solution on a small area before spraying an entire plant or crop; some plants may be more sensitive than others. You might try a solution with a small percentage of alcohol to water and work up to determine the minimum you can use and still have it be effective. As to vinegar, same precautions. One must be very careful about proportions, or as you have read, the vinegar’s acetic acid can kill plants (at higher concentrations, vinegar is used as an herbicide). Some sources suggest avoiding using it at all, especially on vegetables or flowers. Others suggest 3 parts water to 1 part vinegar, and only spraying leaves. If you try this route, you might try diluting the solution even further, then testing on a small area first. Hope this helps!
We have stacks of blue flea beetles on our land and see them as a blessing. They got on top of the dreaded buzzies and congregate in large clusters on dying vegetation. Our little granddaughter treats them as pets. They are most welcome apart from being beautiful.
We have these little suckers everywhere on our property. Vegetable garden, strawberry patch and the house garden and natives. Any clues how to treat. Not sure about the rubbing alcohol on food we will be eating. And how to treat such a large area.
Take old coffee grounds and about 5 or so drops of hot sauce care not to use much hot sauce as it can burn roots but put that at base of all plants .. For leaves i use flour once a week on all my plants.. The only down side i seen with flour was little dough balls in my yard but they go away in a short period of time after it rains i reapply everything again
Hi, Betty: Sorry to hear! It sounds like these might be blue milkweed beetles, which always pose a tricky problem because hosts for them like milkweed and oleander, which you would want to eliminate if nearby, are also beneficial to monarch butterflies and others. The best thing to do is bite the bullet and try to physically remove as many as possible by plucking or even using a handheld battery-operated vac. Another option is an organic insecticide applied very specifically to aggregations of beetles where found. It’s important to try to do this before they lay their eggs, so alacrity is of the essence. Good luck!
Do shining flea beetles bit and we found one in our house but we don't have any plants inside or outside our home
Is there any risk in eating the plants that were infected with flea beetles? My entire crop of Arugula was infested and now my Brussels sprouts are getting eaten as well. I am also noticing small brown balls where they sprouts are growing. Any advice is appreciated.
Mineral oil. A few drops into the silks at top of ear. Works like a charm
The corn earworm is the larvae of a tan night-flying moth. Wait 'til the ears start to fill out and put 1 or 2 drops of mineral or vegetable oil on the silks. You can also treat the corn with Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis).