Learn All About Bohemian and Cedar Waxwings!
Large flock of waxwings - probably cedar, in trees around my house in NW OKC, near Hefner and May. Unable to see the bright yellow underneath thus the reason for my uncertainty, but they're definitely waxwings and not female cardinals. Seen on April 18th and 19th in mid-morning.
Huge flock this morning again .. quite a few hundred ... have been seeing around this area for a couple of weeks .. they were just a twittering.. beautiful. In Saskatoon SK
Here in western NC, in ANDREWS, there are hundreds of them, going from tree to tree. Sum have berries. It’s Thursday morning apr 9th 2020, 9:30am. This is the first time we’ve seen them.
I work outside every day that isn’t raining here in San Antonio, Texas. The neighbor’s Ligustrum tree overhangs my drive. The tree is full of fruit now (4-1-2020). Last week a small flock of waxwings arrived and ate some of the berries. The flock was maybe 20 birds. They would eat, leave for another tree, come back to eat some more.
Typically the flock size is 50 or more birds. They will come to this tree numerous times a day for a couple weeks. Until the berries are gone. This event has happened every year that I’ve lived here. But so far not this year. Now I’m noticing the berries beginning to fall to the ground in clusters. But minimal to no waxwings.
The other 2 birds I pay close attention to are house sparrows and purple martins. I have a Martin house in my yard and only a few martins have visited. The sparrows are very aggressive and attack the martins. They also fight off other sparrows trying to nest in a compartment. But only one pair of sparrows have started a nest. And no martins.
My concern is that something has changed causing a severe reduction in local and migratory birds in this area. Possibly 5G? Or??
Anybody else seeing this type of change in the local bird population?
30+ Bohemian Waxwings descended on our crabapple tree just before noon, and flew off all at once about 50 minutes later. We're just East of Portage la Prairie in Manitoba, Canada. I'm so glad we were home to see it, they're such lovely birds.
Stunningly beautiful and animated flock of about 16 feasted on our rose hip bush in snowy morning
I live in Kentucky and have 7 big cherry trees that ripen around June. The wax wings come in hundreds and clean every cherry off the trees in about 2 days.they are beautiful birds but would like to have some cherries left to freeze or eat.
I live in NE OKC....we have Burford holly and Yupon buses covering our dining room and kitchen windows...we get to see lots of nature in their branches....for the past two years as the Cedar Wax wings migrate north a flock will stop and gorge on the red berries of both bushes....such a joy...
they almost strip both bushes....
I live in Los Angeles and get to see the waxwings once a year when my persimmons get ripe. I leave some on the tree and wait for the flock to come and enjoy the fruit. It is such a wonderful sight!
We awoke on Feb. 21,2020, about 7:30 am to discover 3 gorgeous Bohemian Waxwings sitting in our large Starlight Crab tree chomping on the red berries. We viewed the beauties, who were quite relaxed in our presence, then checked them out online, we quickly identified our visitors as Bohemian waxwings ( we Were familiar with Cedar Waxwings) . These Bohemian Waxwings ate, visited other trees in our yard and left after about a 4 hour visit.We don’t know what time they arrived as it was just starting to get light outside when I noticed them. The Chickadees were quite content with their visitors, I guess they knew the Waxwings were not interested in their nuts and black sunflower seeds.
Btw , we live in Brandon Manitoba on the south end near the open fields.