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Planting, Growing, and Caring for Coneflowers
Everyone says they do well in clay soil. Clay soil does not drain well. "Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea) These plants (herbs, actually) do very well in clay-heavy soil, are drought tolerant, and come in a variety of colors 鈥 the purple blooms will stop you in your tracks. ... It's a striking flower that does very well in clay soil." So do they like well-drained soil or clay soil? Kinda confused.
Will these thrive in zone 10, 11 ? Tropical weather ?
Coneflowers are not hardy for zones 10 and 11. See the zone list at the top of this page (on right side).
Why do our cone flowers that are supposed to be multi-colored turn out to be all pink? Does soil PH affect the color of cone flowers?
So far as we can tell, the soil would have to be extremely unsuitable to have an effect on the flower color. Is it possible that the plant tag is/was not accurate? (Sometimes tags get switched in nurseries by accident.) We suggest that you contact the source and ask them your color questions.
i planted some coneflowers about last month and they haven't sprouted yet
Last year my cone flowers first year it blossomed wonderfully, now this year all it has done is grow leaves, and more leaves....not a flower stem to be seen. What is going on ??
It could be that they are not getting enough sun or the soil conditions aren’t favorable, or there are insufficient nutrients—or some combination of these stress factors. Next year, try fertilizing them regularly. If they don’t bloom again, you might want to transplant them into a sunnier location (if possible) with soil amended with compost.
Does cone flower make good honey? I know bees love it but will the honey on the bee farm taste good?
Honey bees certainly love to forage on coneflowers (Echinacea) for their pollen. They tend to visit many flowers to make honey, such as clover and borage, so it would be hard for us to know what a pure coneflower honey might taste like. Let us know if you find out!