Having surgery august 23,2013 . Is there a healing moon then or what type of moon is in place then in regards to healing?
I bought the almanac because last year I was able to find good or bad days for surgery, however this years does not have surgery days. Please advise I'm having a surgery in Aug and need to know if I should change the date.
Wean a baby off the bottle
We do not provide medical advice online, but you can find the best days for weaning and other activities on this page:
My husband is having surgery on his broken wrist on Tuesday July 10th is the moon right for healing?
What is the best date for an appendectomy in February or March 2012?
I am having a needle biopsy (thyroid) Friday 10/22/10. Can someone tell me if the sign is in the heart tomorrow. Thanks!
My grandson is having surgery soon. Where can I find out information on how the moon effects bleeding?
The best signs for surgery and healing are in the knees. You can also do the legs, and feet, but I prefer not to do it on the last day of the feet, as it moves to the head next.
Use your almanac calendar and see what signs are represented on which days (it will be in the next to the last column) ...pick those days for your surgeries. The knees are Capricorn, the legs are aquarius, and the feet are Pisces. They are all three grouped together, so normally, you can find at least one of those days to have your surgery.
The worst signs are in the head, neck and heart...that is where you will see more bleeding and slower healing.
I have seen many proofs of this information, both personally, and from others.
can you please refer any helpful info you received or discovered on this topic? My granddaughter is to have a surgery soon also, I would like to know also. Thanks.